Salary Lupin
"What do I do at work? Um, well I just sit at the desk and playing card game, online shopping till I go home. That's basically it."
Salary Lupin said.
Lupin's daily routine is simple. Wake up, go to work, space out, eat lunch, waste time, go home, sleep. No one really care about him so he can just casually play games at desk and do nothing but, still get paid.

What he do for killing time, what he has to do
He didn't have anything to complain. Workload is just zero, no stress, he can just look online shopping website and play card game at work. Cause no one tells him what to do!
... But one day, the best worker at his company suddenly quit. Why? Well, there were so so so many workers like Lupin at their company. That person had so much to do on their own and boom.. It happened. Obviously they learnt lots and moved to better company. So his seat is moved to that worker's desk.
What about works that had been handled by them? Well, guess Lupin will be busy! He has no idea what will happen, I think he's thinking of shopping and game on the way to work.
Let him survive not getting fired and safely finish a day!
(Art, Design, Programming, SFX & Music(not creation) all by myself, KANG²)
PS: In S.Korea, someone who doesn't do anything important and get paid are called Worgeup Lupang, literally it means Salary Lupin.
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Sorry about stamping bug, It's because of mouse position. I made mouse to be fixed at where the hand with stamp is but since it's not full screen I think mouse position isn't correct so stamping doesn't work. Sorry about that, If you manage moving mouse to the middle well (even though you can't see the cursor) you can stamp.